CSE teams keep winning it

Last Friday CSE Startup team YoooWe won the annual Venture Cup Startup Competition (Main Category Winner). This Friday CSE Alumni team Donkey Republic won the Grøn Dyst competition (Master Thesis Concept Winner).

Congratulations to YoooWe and Donkey Republic!

Dazin Awarded CSE Civic Award

Last night I had the honour of awarding Dazin CSE’s special prize – the Civic Award – with this motivation:

At the Go Grow graduation we give a special prize to the startup team with the most sustainable impact on the civic society. We call this prize the CIVIC AWARD.

When I met the founder of this startup 3, maybe 4 years ago he had a great vision and lots of hope – but he didn’t know how to capitalize and how to scale. Today when graduating from GO GROW he has still a great vision AND  now also a sustainable plan for how to safe houndreds, maybe thousands of people’s lifes. We believe that he and his great team will make it happen!

We give this years CIVIC AWARD to Mr. Deepak and the Dazin team. Congratulations!

-> Check out Dazin’s Crowdfunding

-> Apply to join next batch of Go Grow – the CSE accelerator


Wednesday Morning I met with Tim Steigert​ for a cup coffee. I guess it was a good cup of coffee – cause we decided to make a popup thing, calling it 100sparx.

The idea is to locate 10 hyperconnected persons who will help 100 Education/Health/Energy startups get in contact with the right person. This will create 100 “sparx” when the startups and the right connections meet. We plan to launch in the context of Global Entrepreneurship Week​.

Let me know if you are hyperconnected and want to help 10 startups find the right person!

Tester foto2

BOOK: “Lean Politics – Lean Startup for Changing Politics”

Question: Should someone write an article and/or a book about Lean Politics – like applying Lean Startup to the political toolbox?

Debat på Startup Borgen: Mere lære ved at at gøre

Ser frem til at deltage i paneldebat ved Startup Borgen på Christiansborg i morgen. Temaet er “Uddannelsesinstitutionerne og iværksætteri”.

Mine synspunkter vil givet vis være:

  • De sidste 10 år har vi med “Fra ABC til Ph.D”-programmet udviklet det danske uddannelsessystem, så børn og unge i dag lærer at få en masse ideer. Nu mangler vi “blot” at  lære dem at gøre noget ved ideerne. Hvad er værdien af tusinde vilde ideer, hvis man ikke ved, hvordan man eksekverer?
  • Lad os udvikle et nyt, ekstra format for overbygningsuddannelsen, nemlig Erhvervs-Kandidat (på linje med Erhvervs-Ph.D)
  • Gør det muligt for alle studerende at gå i praktik i egen virksomhed

Hovedpointen er således, at vi skal give øget mulighed for at lære ved at gøre. Derved kobler vi tanke med handling og booster ydermere den boglige læring.


Udenlandske studerende er afgørende for et dynamisk iværksættermiljø

CSE startup Match My Thesis landede på forsiden af Berlingske Business her til morgen.

Undertegnede giver et par bud på, hvorfor det er en rigtig god idé, at udenlandske studerende laver startups i Danmark, mens de læser her:

»Vi har i den offentlige debat ofte fokus på, at udlændinge kan få velfærdsydelser uden at bidrage med lige så meget, som de forbruger. Men de udenlandske studerende er meget afgørende for, at vi kan skabe et dynamisk iværksættermiljø, for de kommer med nogle helt andre ideer, da de er vant til andre udfordringer, end vi er,» siger Martin B. Justesen, forretningsudvikler på iværksættercentret CSE på CBS, hvor udlændingene nu står bag hver tredje nye virksomhedsidé, mens de for seks år siden kun stod bag hver tiende.


På CBS er de udenlandske studerende på seks år gået fra at udgøre en tiendedel til en tredjedel af iværksætterspirerne og er ifølge forretningsleder Martin B. Justesen med til at skabe et mere dynamisk miljø, fordi de er opvokset under andre vilkår end herhjemme.
»Det giver dem nogle andre ideer og muligheder, fordi de har et mere internationalt netværk fra begyndelsen,« siger han.

Vi vil give noget igen (Berlingske Business, 20. juni 2014)
Udlændinge stormer frem som iværksættere (Berlingske Business, 20. juni 2014)

We can do better than wine and canapes

Would I some day be expected to host a reception party I will post this invitation:

Hey folks, I look forward to seeing you all. PLEASE bring a friend so I can talk other people than you which I do either way every day. I know you will bring wine and flowers so we will all share this great stuff at the reception. The 2k+ USD I will save by not buying canapés and other classic, boring reception stuff I will donate no strings attached to an upcoming startup. The founder and the team will join the reception and pitch their idea. See you all, lets have a fine day!

CSE awarded Best Service Provider

CSE is awarded “Best Service Provider” at Danish Nordic Startup Awards! Thank you so much CSE startup teams, CSE colleauges and CBS for making it happen!

Boosting R&D: Meet new ideas, creative people and future partnerships

Danish Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania (DCC) invited me to speak at the conference Innovation – from Idea to Execution (May 21th 2014, Vilnius). President of DCC, Thomas Solupajev-Ronlev, asked me to elaborate on how traditional, established companies can benefit from interacting with new, early ideas from startup world.

For a start here’s a suggestion on how to connect with 100 new ideas and start new partnerships. By excercising this startup funneling process your company will potentially boost R&D and get in contact with lots of interesting, creative people.

Getting from 100 Ideas to 1 Partnership:

  • 100 ideas: Launch a campaign where you will ask the public to share their ideas with you. This might be ideas within a specific area or all kinds of ideas. It can also be answers to a specific question you adress. People will go to your webpage and answer a number of questions by webform. You will keep the idea confidential between the team and your company. Your lawyer will write a relevant IPR policy which you let all teams know about.
  • 40 ideas: Find the 40 best ideas and let these people know that they have selected to go for next step. Address each of the selected teams 3 specific suggestions on how to improve their idea. Give them 3 days to improve it.
  • 20 ideas: Now select the 20 best ideas and invite them for 1 hr meeting. At this meeting you and relevant collegeauges will discuss the idea with the team. During one week you and your collegeauges will meet lots of new inspiring ideas,  interesting people and boost the companys pool of creativity. The teams will meet good, solid respons from highly skilled people.
  • 5 prototypes: Next step is to test out of the 5 most promising ideas. You will define how to prototype each of the ideas with the teams. The prototype will last maximum 3 months.
  • 1+ partnership: Finally you invite for an open Prototype Pitch where the 5 teams will pitch the result of their prototypes. A panel will find and announce which of the teams your company will partner up with.

You may say there is only one winning team. You can also say that all 100 teams get the chance to pitch their idea for a potential customer. And you can say that the teams be able to develop their idea in direct interaction with the market. Most likely both teams and company will learn a lot doing it!

Of course a lot ot things needs to be planned to make it work: Where to address the campaign, which kind of ideas to look for, which collegeauges to invite for meeting the teams etc. That’s a matter of designing the process right and you will improve by the iterations. You may alos scale the process to meet less ideas. Such as 100 ideas -> 10 interviews -> 3 prototypes. Or you might sustain the process and invite 1 team on a monthly basis. Basically it comes down to how much your and your company need to meet new ideas, talk to creative people and find better partners.

Enjoy and see you in Vilnius!